February 14th, 2025Pink Whistle "REFS vs Cancer" 2025

Basketball Referees in BC have launched the 16th year of the Pink Whistle / Call A Foul on Cancer Campaign.
Basketball Referees in BC are committed to the cause. With our ongoing reach, we have made an impact on the entire basketball community.
This includes over 600 referees in BC, the Fans, Coaches, Players, Professional Photographers, and Corporations.
How can you help?
- Watch & share this 2025 video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/49OiaZAVBuI
- Please make your donation via our dedicated 2025 donation page and collect your tax receipt: https://donate.bccancerfoundation.com/site/TR/Events/ResponsiveTR/924669273;jsessionid=00000000.app20101c?NONCE_TOKEN=7D2D84051EA020C81D9633B6F371EF41&px=2996526&pg=personal&fr_id=2800
- Support the officials wearing pink whistles, pink lanyards and pink striped shirts in February. **Please feel free to talk to Officials before or after the game and tell them your stories. We know that everyone has someone who has been affected via cancer.
- Please print the attached information and ask to post it at work, or at game sites. The admission table or gym entrance is a good starting point. Perhaps the Athletic Director could have students ask fans if they'd like to Help Call a Foul On Cancer (scan the QR code & Print our materials) OR At your Office staff meetings?
- Players, Parents, FANS, Social Committees at Work & Students: Please let us know of any fundraising ideas you might have. No idea is too small.
- If your team is actively raising funds for a cancer event, Please send us photos with your players & fans / try to include school names / COMPANY Names/ mascots in your photo
- Coaches ~ maybe buy Pink Whistles from us to wear during your practices?
- SHOUT OUT >>> The amazing realtors at Century 21 Coastal are selling whistles to their team of realtors *** Please SHARE the above with your friends and family and take note of the donors who choose to support us. Check back every week on the donation site ?
With over 600 officials in BC and a significant group from Alberta, our Army is ready to put boots on the ground.
Continue to help all of us to Call a Foul on Cancer. We have raised over a Quarter of a Million Dollars in our first 15 years.
Let us know how you can make a difference. Let your personal commitment take us to a new level.
Contact us by replying to this e-mail OR send to: pinkwhistlelegacyfund@gmail.com
Your Pink Whistle Committee
Mike Craig, Alex Ngai, Eric Kuntz, Brent Sutter, Sean March, Mike Porteous,
Todd Prodanuk, Lee Brien, Fred Gunn, Jason Cook, Gino Bondi, Karn Dhillon