The Responsible Coaching Movement

The Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) is a multi-phase system-wide movement, coordinated by the Coaching Association of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport that has the potential to affect all sport organizations and coaches. The RCM is a call to action for organizations to implement realistic change based on their individual state of readiness.

The RCM is the result of extensive ongoing consultation with the Canadian Sport Community. These consultations will guide the different phases of the RCM that will address the role coaches play with issues relating to the health and safety of athletes, both on and off the field of play.



By taking the pledge, Basketball BC has committed to implementing supportive policies and processes that adhere to the three key areas of focus in Phase 1 of the Responsible Coaching Movement:


This means that the coach is never alone or out of sight with your child.

Two NCCP trained or certified coaches should always be present with an athlete, especially a minor athlete, when in a potentially vulnerable situation such as in a locker room or meeting room. All one-on-one interactions between a coach and an athlete must take place within earshot and in view of the second coach except for medical emergencies.

One of the coaches must also be of the same gender as the athlete.

Should there be a circumstance where a second screened and NCCP trained or certified coach is not available, a screened volunteer, parent, or adult can be recruited.


The background screening ensures that coaches meet the important requirements to coach athletes. Screening tools include comprehensive job postings, criminal record checks, interviews, and reference checks. Coaches can complete their criminal record check screening with their local police department or by visiting Sterling Talent Solutions.

Note: If you opt to do your criminal record check screening with Sterling Talent Solutions, you will have to take your Vulnerable Sector Screening through your local police department.


Ethics training prepares coaches to effectively handle situations that arise from ethical dilemmas or even legal challenges that concern individuals, teams, and their sports organizations.

Ethics training includes the Make Ethical Decisions module within the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP), as well as training in abuse and harassment prevention, such as Respect in Sport, which can be taken before and during their coaching career.

By successfully completing the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions (MED) training, coaches will be fully equipped to handle ethical situations with confidence and surety. NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training helps coaches identify the legal, ethical, and moral implications of difficult situations that present themselves in the world of team and individual sport.

Respect in Sport training empowers coaches and parents to recognize and prevent bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD).

There are two ways to complete ethics training:

A) In-class workshop:  To participate in an in-class NCCP Make Ethical Decisions module, please contact your local Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representative.

B) Home-study: Some provinces and territories offer the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions module through home study. Please contact your local Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representative for more information.

Respect in Sport and Commit to Kids training is also delivered through interactive, online home-study.

Please contact Basketball BC for requirements within the sport of basketball.


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